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This event aims to underscore the critical role of gender and environment data in informing and enhancing gender-responsive national climate policies, emphasizing the interconnection between the Gender Action Plan and climate action at regional, national, and local levels. It:

  • Identifies how gender and environment data is fundamental in the Gender Action Plan, both in ongoing progress and in its subsequent iteration; 
  • Provides examples from the work of GEDA members at various levels, emphasizing how  data can support Parties and contribute to updating national climate policy (e.g. NDCs); and
  • Highlights the potential use of GEDA and its members in amplifying gender and environment data and contributing to more gender-transformative policy, within and beyond the UNFCCC. 

Check out the concept note here



Angélica Cordero Gamboa (Ruta del Clima)

Presented on Ruta del Clima’s community model for monitoring and reporting loss and damage, with a focus on the gender dimension. Angélica touched based on the phases for a participatory data collection process and presented specific case studies in Honduras and Colombia.

Responded to the question: How is gender data connected to loss and damage?


Martha Bekele (Development Initiatives)

Presented on gender-responsive climate finance data, linking it to evidence from Rwanda. Martha’s presentation discussed existing data and current gaps in the gender-responsive climate finance landscape in Rwanda, as well as how to have a feminist approach to addressing those gaps. 

Responded to the question: Why is gender data relevant for gender-responsive climate finance, and how do you think it can impact national-level policies?


Diego de León (Out For Sustainability)

Provided two examples of gender-responsive data at a regional level, with a particular focus on LGBTQIA+ populations. Diego explored specific data pieces that highlighted how the LGBTQIA+ populations have endured disasters and how they are particularly vulnerable to these at the same time. 

Responded to the question: What are some examples of regional cooperations for gender-disaggregated data that includes gender identity and sexual orientation, and what have been some of the benefits?


Claudia Rubio (Women’s Environment and Development Organization) 

Provided an overview of the Gender and Environment Data Alliance, and explored how data appears in the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan (GAP) through the presentation of the latest GEDA brief

Responded to the question: How does GEDA have the potential to bring about change at a global scale?

Other Speakers


Resources from other Co-Organizers

Population Council: 

  • Population, Environmental Risks, and the Climate Crisis: This brief provides an overview of the PERCC Initiative. PERCC conducts rigorous, innovative, cross-disciplinary social science research; uses it to build publicly accessible datasets, tools, and models; and utilizes the findings and insights to help shape climate adaptation policy and program planning at every level, from municipalities to national strategies and United Nations agencies Please find a brief relevant presentation here.
  • Navigating the Climate Crisis: Q&A with Dr. Deepshikha Sharma: Deepshikha Sharma shares insights on the future of PERCC and her plans for leading the initiative’s climate-induced migration work.


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