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Addressing the Gender-Environment Data Gap 

A lack of investment in and application of gender data and analysis is a significant barrier to effective policy making and implementation in the climate and environment arenas. The Gender and Environment Data Alliance (GEDA) aims to change that.

Addressing the gender-


data gap

A lack of investment in and application of gender data and analysis is a significant barrier to effective policy making and implementation in the climate and environment arenas.

The gender-environment

data gap

A lack of investment in and application of gender data and analysis is a significant barrier to effective policy making and implementation in the climate and environment arenas.

We know that environmental change has differentiated impacts on different genders, and there is increasing evidence that women, girls and other marginalized communities disproportionately suffer from climate change and environmental disasters. We also know that women and girls have unique solutions toward adapting to changing environmental conditions and moving toward sustainability. Yet, existing data and methodologies fail to reflect this reality

Where data does exist, decision-makers are often unaware of or inadequately using it. Without an accurate analysis of climate and environmental impacts, it is not possible to craft effective solutions or advance progress toward a sustainable future.

GEDA helps fill this gap by serving as a specific, dedicated entity to compile, curate, and communicate data at the intersection of gender and environment.


“Gender-environment data” is data related to the environment that is disaggregated by gender, and reflects gender issues in both its content and its methodologies (quantitative and qualitative).

GEDA helps connect the dots among the gender-environment data that does exist, and gets this knowledge and information into the hands of decision makers and data users working to advance climate resilience and transformative environmental policy.

This Alliance also seeks to explore the current landscape of data and data methodologies to then expand the scope of available information. This includes elevating traditional and Indigenous knowledge, as well as data collected through feminist participatory action research, and advocating for such data to be included in official statistical systems.


Explore & Expand

GEDA seeks to explore the current landscape of data and data methodologies to then expand the scope of available information.

Elevate Traditional & Indigenous Knowledge

GEDA hopes to elevate traditional & Indigenous knowledge, as well as data collected through feminist participatory action research, and advocating for such data to be included in official statistical systems.

Connect Data with Decision Makers & Data Users

GEDA gets this knowledge and information into the hands of decision makers and data users working to advance climate resilience and transformative environmental policy.

GEDA’s COP28 Side Event: Roots for Change

Watch our most recent GEDA event, an official COP28 side event that highlighted the work of partners on gender and environment data collection across regions. 

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