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GEDA emphasizes “gender and environment data” to shed light on the disparate impacts of environmental and climate change across diverse genders. Given the unique challenges women and girls face due to gendered responsibilities, such as unpaid care and household work, and food provisioning, GEDA recognizes that the effects of environmental and climate change on them are significant and differentiated. With a feminist lens on these unique gendered dimensions, GEDA is devoted to crafting more effective and equitable climate solutions.

Compiling and analyzing data and information at the nexus of gender and the environment is a key initial function of GEDA. Here we outline our approach to data and share some insights from a landscape scoping process undertaken from late 2022 to mid 2023.

The Importance of Intersectional Data

To craft effective environmental policies and climate action, intersectional data is indispensable. This data takes into account the unique vulnerabilities, needs, challenges, and priorities of different genders. It fuels gender-transformative policy-making that tackles the root causes of gender inequality, while shifting power dynamics, and granting marginalized groups equal access and opportunities.

Our Analytical Approach 

At GEDA, we analyze sources of gender and environment data through a multi-faceted lens:

Where does the data originate, and who generates it?

How is the data collected, and do the methodologies employ a feminist approach?

Who has access to and ownership of the data?

How is the data utilized?

Our Priorities for Analysis

GEDA’s primary focus for analysis lies in two key areas:

  1. Exploring  the intersection of climate change and disasters; and
  2. Understanding the role and influence of women in environmental decision-making.

An Initial Exploration of the Gender and Environment Data Landscape

In 2022, GEDA embarked on an exploration of gender and environment data, concentrating on women’s climate resilience, climate change and disasters, and environmental decision-making. GEDA’s Technical Guidance and Data Mapping Consultants, Trimita Chakma and Bea Moraras, conducted a comprehensive search of English-language literature at this intersection.

For the compilation of Trimita and Bea’s work through this initial scoping, please see the webpage on A Snapshot of Gender and Environment Data, published in 2023.

Resources from GEDA Members

GEDA’s Secretariat has compiled a list of relevant resources produced by GEDA Core Partners (GEDA members who actively contribute to the work of the Alliance) since 2015. This list will be updated on a quarterly basis as new research is produced and as the GEDA membership expands.

Read more on our Member Resources page! 

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