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Membership and Governance

As a membership alliance, GEDA serves as a hub for diverse organizations working on the intersection of gender and environment through a data lens. By leveraging the networks of its membership, the Alliance mobilizes diverse stakeholders to curate, communicate, amplify, and learn from gender and environment data. 

For all current applicants: Please apply to GEDA by September 28, 2023 to be considered for this upcoming round. These applications will be reviewed during the first Steering Committee Meeting. All applications received after this date will be reviewed during the November meetings. 

Values of GEDA’s Governance

  • Gender Justice:

    Working at the intersection of gender and environment, GEDA is intentional in its feminist approach and in the integration of feminist organizations into its membership, demonstrating solidarity, collaboration and a particular emphasis on the protection of human rights.

  • Equity:

    In its membership and governance, GEDA seeks to challenge the current structures of power that exist between the Global North and the Global South, promoting the leadership and analysis of global Majority organizations and academics.

  • Inclusion:

    GEDA seeks to demonstrate intentionality in the diversity of our membership across a range of identities, geographies and knowledge areas, and strives for collective decision-making that honors a variety of perspectives.

Modalities of Membership

Member Type


What does participation look like? 


How to Join




Join and suggest GEDA activities  Vote in Steering Committee  elections Input and participation  in GEDA activities

Organizations, institutions, governments working on gender and environment or climate

Core Partners

Collaboration, Operations, Guidance

Contributes staff time and ideas to at least one Working Group 

May run for election to Steering Committee 

GEDA Members

Data Advisory Group

Guidance, Collaboration

Participate in GEDA activities and meetings

Contributes to Working Group(s) (Optional)  

Individuals with data expertise

GEDA Insights Network


Receive GEDA newsletter

Anyone interested (individuals and/or institutions)

Steering Committee

Governance, Oversight

Quarterly meetings & ownership of GEDA decisions

Bimonthly acceptance of new entries to GEDA

GEDA Core Partners (up to 8, including


Elected by members



Facilitates GEDA core functioning (small grants, comms, outreach)

Reports to Steering Committee

WEDO and IUCN (interim)

Apply to be GEDA staff (end 2023/ early 2024 TBD)

Member Type
What does participation look like? 
How to Join


Participation, Information

Join and suggest GEDA activities 

Vote in Steering Committee  elections

Input and participation  in GEDA activities

Organizations, institutions, governments working on gender and environment or climate

Applications will reopen late 2024

Core Partners

Collaboration, Operations, Guidance

Contributes staff time and ideas to at least one Working Group 

May run for election to Steering Committee 

GEDA Members

Applications will reopen late 2024

Data Advisory Group

Guidance, Collaboration

Participate in GEDA activities and meetings

Contributes to Working Group(s) (Optional)  

Individuals with data expertise

Applications will reopen late 2024

GEDA Insights Network


Receive GEDA newsletter

Anyone interested (individuals and/or institutions)

Sign up

Steering Committee

Governance, Oversight

Quarterly meetings & ownership of GEDA decisions

Bimonthly acceptance of new entries to GEDA

GEDA Core Partners (up to 8, including co-conveners)

Elected by members (March 2024)
Secretariat Coordination

Facilitates GEDA core functioning (small grants, comms, outreach)

Reports to Steering Committee

WEDO and IUCN (interim) Apply to be GEDA staff (in the future!)



GEDA membership is open to organizations, government entities, and intergovernmental institutions that want to be part of the Alliance and commit to upholding its principles in all spaces. Members have the opportunity to contribute to the GEDA Insights newsletter and to join open calls of GEDA membership. GEDA Members also have priority to engage and participate in events, trainings and other activities led by GEDA Working Groups to share updates on progress and identify opportunities for collaboration amongst the Members.

In addition, GEDA Members are responsible for the selection of the Steering Committee, by voting in Steering Committee elections. Members wishing to take a more active role in GEDA’s direction can apply to become Core Partners of GEDA, upon joining or at any time during their membership. 

Core Partners 

Core Partners are GEDA member institutions that play a key role in implementing GEDA’s workplan. Core Partners help shape the direction of the Alliance and organize its events and presence in global policy spaces through active participation in at least one of GEDA’s Working Groups and by communicating through a dedicated Google group. Core Partners can also stand for election to GEDA’s Steering Committee. 

GEDA’s current Core Partners include its founding members, which agreed to form the Alliance around the Generation Equality Forum in 2021. GEDA Members can apply to become Core Partners during the application process or by informing the Secretariat.

Data Advisory Group

GEDA’s Data Advisory Group is composed of individuals who have a background in data, especially with academic research experience, and who have expressed an interest in supporting GEDA’s work. Upon submission of an application and indication of commitment to GEDA’s guiding principles, Data Advisory Group members will be invited to join GEDA Working Groups and membership meetings. Additional opportunities to contribute to GEDA’s work will be envisioned, such as serving as peer reviewers, suggesting areas for research, mentoring GEDA fellows, etc. 

The Data Advisory Group will meet twice per year and provide advice to the Core Partners and the Steering Committee on the status of gender and environment data. Data Advisory Group members do not have voting rights and cannot be elected to be part of the Steering Committee. 

GEDA Insights Network

The GEDA Insights Network is made up of individuals who subscribe to GEDA’s mailing list, which is open to all interested individuals regardless of affiliation. The network members receive GEDA’s quarterly newsletter, with updates on resources, events and opportunities in a spirit of interest and support.

The Network became active alongside GEDA’s official launch in September 2022. Opportunities to join the Network will be publicized alongside GEDA’s newsletters and presence at global policy spaces in 2023 and beyond. 

Steering Committee

GEDA is governed by a Steering Committee of maximum eight institutional representatives, drawn from amongst GEDA’s Core Partners including a mix of intergovernmental organizations, government representatives and civil society organizations, ensuring equity in representation. The Steering Committee oversees GEDA’s budget and small grants and approves its annual workplan, as well as handling additional decisions related to GEDA’s outputs and public presence as they arise. As GEDA’s governance mechanism, the Steering Committee works through quarterly meetings and in close collaboration with the Secretariat. 

Elections will be held in 2024, after GEDA’s first membership drive opens the Alliance to additional organizations and institutions. GEDA’s Co-conveners will serve on the Steering Committee (for at least its first 2-year term) and will host the independent Secretariat. Each member of the Steering Committee is elected to a two-year term, with the possibility for additional terms. Elections will be advertised to all members with at least two months’ notice, and candidates have two weeks to present their candidacies. GEDA members will have two weeks in which to vote for Steering Committee candidates from among the Core Partners standing for election. 


The Secretariat is responsible for the coordination, administration, and functioning of GEDA. It is accountable to the Steering Committee and is responsible for planning its quarterly meetings, supporting the Steering Committee with membership and fundraising efforts, and facilitating the activities of GEDA’s Working Groups. These roles and responsibilities may evolve as the GEDA Secretariat hires staff to implement GEDA’s workplan. Since GEDA’s founding in 2021, the Secretariat function has been undertaken by its two co-conveners, WEDO and IUCN. 

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