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A Snapshot of Gender-Environment Data

In 2022, GEDA embarked on an exploration of gender and environment data, concentrating on women’s climate resilience, climate change and disasters, and environmental decision-making. GEDA’s Technical Guidance and Data Mapping Consultants, Trimita Chakma and Bea Moraras, conducted a comprehensive search of English-language literature from the WorldCat library catalog, using a variety of keyword combinations and search terms. Trimita and Bea initially collected 785 items of literature, which was subsequently distilled to 339 key pieces through a targeted filtering process. Together these resources offer a substantial overview of the literature landscape corresponding to the GEDA’s key priorities.

The selected literature has been compiled and organized into a database using the Zotero software, which is available to GEDA members.

Compilation of Resources: Gender-Environment Scoping Study

Published in September 2023, the following resources emerged out of this landscape scoping project: 

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