The Gender and Environment Data Alliance (GEDA) aims to improve availability, accessibility, understanding, and application of quality and robust data and information at the gender and environment nexus. By compiling and amplifying existing gender data and research and identifying gaps, GEDA will support gender-just and evidence-based environment and climate action that meets the needs of all people in their diversity. As a membership alliance, GEDA serves as a hub for diverse organizations working on the intersection of gender and environment through a data lens.
Drawn from an original 17 founding members of GEDA, governance of the Alliance will include civil society, international organizations, and United Nations entities. It will build community and shared purpose across different actors, with clear and accessible mechanisms for engagement and influence from grassroots and feminist organizations at the heart of GEDA’s evolving program of work.
GEDA is co-convened by the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) and The International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Learn more about GEDA by watching the webcast of our launch event, held on the margins of the UN General Assembly in September 2022: